Aegis Financial
Small Cap Deep Value investors focused on out-of-favor companies trading at significant discounts
Our strategy is to invest in a well-researched portfolio of small-cap equities trading at a fraction of their intrinsic worth. We believe the equity markets are often inefficient, and we employ a contrarian, company-focused approach, selecting each stock individually on its own merit. We purchase shares in companies when we judge share prices to be significantly undervalued relative to our assessment of fundamental value, focusing on stocks trading at low price-to-book or price-to-future cash flow ratios. We often invest in companies when they are misunderstood, out of favor, or neglected. We generally hold these companies until share prices reach our estimate of intrinsic value.

Since its founding in 1994, Aegis Financial has adhered to a deep-value philosophy, focusing on securities trading in the lowest quintile of the stock market on price-to-book value.
Portfolio Manager Scott Barbee has built a continuous 23-year track record of deep-value investing, successfully navigating the strategy through a meaningful variety of market conditions since its inception.
Aegis Financial is internally owned and prioritizes long-term investment growth over short-term externally-driven asset growth.
The investment team is strongly committed to deep value investing, with significant co-investment in the strategy.